Slovak editors-in-chief condemn the attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico

We are republishing a statement of Slovak editors-in-chief on the Robert Fico attack

We condemn the attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. The attack on Robert Fico is an attack on all of us. It is a path of hatred that cannot control Slovakia, because it will move us to the darkest places on the map.

Just like after the murder of our colleague Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová, we are once again at a crossroads. We are deciding if we want to be a country where someone accepts murder as a solution.

This heinous act must not trigger further aggression, verbal attacks and revenge. This must not be a time for exploiting an assassination attempt for political purposes or inflaming even hotter passions. If hatred is released into the public space, it cannot be controlled. We are all at risk.

We are calling on politicians not to further divide society and not immediately seek culprits. Now is the time to unite. We must all try to defuse the situation. Otherwise, tension and violence will escalate.

We, the editors-in-chief and media representatives in Slovakia, deeply condemn the attack on the prime minister and wish him a speedy recovery.

Beata Balogová, SME editor-in-chief

Peter Bárdy, aktuality.sk

Matúš Kostolný, Denník N

Lukáš Diko, ICJK

Martin Hanus, editor-in-chief Postoj

Ľuboš Kamenistý, editor-in-chief PRAVDA

Peter Palovič, head of news, Rádio Expres

Lucia Okšová, editor-in-chief Forbes

Martina Balleková, editor-in-chief ta3

Zuzana Gabrižová, editor-in-chief Euractiv Slovakia

Katarína Gécziová, editor-in-chief Korzár

Miroslava Kernová, editor-in-chief O Médiach

Filip Minich, editor-in-chief Refresher

Peter Dlhopolec, editor-in-chief of The Slovak Spectator

Igor Gressner, editor-in-chief of Šport

Ižip Ronald, editor-in-chief of Trend

Marián Tabakovič, editor-in-chief of Dobré noviny

Pavol Michalka, head of news at Dobré rádio

Zoltán Szalay, editor-in-chief of Napunk


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